Social Media Marketing in Bakersfield CA



Digital Marketing in Bakersfield, CA

Social media agency for your brand.

Social media has replaced the newspaper as the leading source of public information. It is the go-to source for people searching for information, articles, suggestions, and the next big inspirational idea. The way businesses interact with the public has gone digital, which has provided businesses with the opportunity to reach audience numbers that were once unimaginable.

Social Media Designers in Bakersfield CA

We offer social media marketing services.

Citryn’s Social Media Development Team of designers is in the trenches every day, developing new techniques to utilize and provide you with an advantage over the competition. Reels, stories, promotions, and optimal posting schedules for your business are all tracked and analyzed to create the best ongoing strategy for your company. Our team will visit your location to ensure authentic photos of your staff, clients, and business are represented in your feed, along with all the information pertinent to your business success. From graphic design to video production to engagement, our team pushes your brand out to the audiences your business services serve with the professionalism and trust your company and clients expect.

Marketing in Bakersfield CA

Reach markets that were once Unimaginable!

You Provide a Challenge

Social media has replaced the newspaper as the leading source of public information. It is the go-to source for people searching for information, articles, suggestions, and the next big inspirational idea. The way businesses interact with the public has gone digital, which has provided businesses with the opportunity to reach audience numbers that were once unimaginable.

We Provide a Solution

Marketing is handled differently at Citryn. Each client and campaign is unique from one another, and the results of our customized processes are well proven. Our clients have grown with us for many years and our team has grown more knowledgeable across digital platforms. By using A/B testing and curating our own unique formulas, we have gained advantages over our competitors and used those gains to help our clients thrive. Digital marketing is always evolving, and so is Citryn.

Our Process


An initial meeting will be scheduled to discover your goals and objectives for growing your business. While also discussing possibilities that your business could expect in the near future.


Our team will present you with a customized strategic road map outlining all routes to ensure that together we achieve success. We will clearly quantify specific details for strategy, implementation, and costs.


Our team will onboard your business across every platform needed to ensure a successful partnership. We will work closely with you to determine what success means for you, develop clarity on your target audience, and identify your competitors.


The long-haul work now begins as we continue to grow your business through digital channels. Our team will establish your marketing goals and develop trust through open communication with all members of your marketing team.